Monday, April 18, 2011

Twilight !!!! #1O

TWILIGHT * The Movie !

I watched Twilight for the first time last year and I feel like with every movie you watched twice you view things differently and have more to say about it.
I’m not going to lie — while watching the movie for the second time (knowing that I`m not really a Twilight Fan) I was fascinated.I found it interesting in regards to today’s society. Stereotypical vampires are known for their selfishness, the way they drain people of blood and life without a second thought because it’s just what they do, what they are.

I connected it to many people in our generation (as in) love and relationships. Some people think, by giving themselves over to someone, by making themselves sexually available, it will automatically result in a lasting relationship. When it doesn’t, they try again. And again. It becomes a cycle, until their partners are little more than vampires, taking and taking and never giving.

Edward, then, is the “anti-vampire”—he can’t help what he’s become. Bella’s blood is the most appealing thing in the world to him, but he doesn’t take it. He doesn’t give in to the selfish route. Why? Because he loves her. Her, not her blood, not her body. He loves her “Bella-ness” (Hahaa, name has a ring to it! Lol). Whether you think their love is valid is your own opinion, but if you read it from that perspective, it really becomes a book about abstinence. Which, you can’t deny, is interesting in terms of vampire culture and literature. Honestly, it’s an old-fashioned love. Nowadays, people might not want to admit they’re “waiting for marriage” because it goes against the norm. Taking away societal pressures, religious convictions, and widespread opinion, there isn’t really a right or a wrong. There are simply two different sides, and people can argue those sides to their hearts’ content. Meyer’s series just happens to be on one side, and she isn’t arguing anything. She is merely giving an example of one way of life, with a vampire thrown in for good measure.

Watching this movie again definitely widened my perspective, and I think I’m going to be able to appreciate the series all the more for it. Not because of the vampire thing going on, Lol !!!! but because, when it comes down to it, it’s a book that has affected thousands of readers in some way. Books like that, no matter how well or badly they’re written, are worth diving into and exploring simply because they reach out to that many people. Whether or not you think her characters suck, they still stand for something. It may be a simple message, a message is a MESSAGE & its still there right ?


  1. Racquelle,
    I love your prespective on Twilight, expecially the below quote. ALSo, I think the characters do stand for something and the whole love with abstinence is a good "secret education" for all hte young girls who love this trilogy.
    "Some people think, by giving themselves over to someone, by making themselves sexually available, it will automatically result in a lasting relationship. When it doesn’t, they try again. And again. It becomes a cycle, until their partners are little more than vampires, taking and taking and never giving."

  2. I agree with you. Great point about the "Secret Education." Also, I have to say, I really did not find Kristin Swan to be that attractive, but WOW, the picture you have on your post gives me a new perspective on her HOTness. MMMMMM LOL!

  3. I agree that the message of Twilight is one that needs to be given attention, definitely! It's effected so many people, from teenagers to moms, it's a phenomenon.

  4. Great point- lots of teenage girls need to stay true to themselves when it comes to guys and not give in in hopes of becoming exclusive with them. If a guy likes you for you he will wait and respect your decisions!

  5. racquelle- I agree whole heartedly with the statement you make at the end of your post, "when it comes down to it, it’s a book that has affected thousands of readers in some way. Books like that, no matter how well or badly they’re written, are worth diving into and exploring simply because they reach out to that many people. Whether or not you think her characters suck, they still stand for something. It may be a simple message, a message is a MESSAGE & its still there right ?" this is a very important point that many people miss when studying media and essentially why it is so important to do just that! Next time try pulling in specific quotes and examples directly from the movie. Also think about the readings we have done over the semester- how would Raby or Christensen view this piece? What about Tolman and Higgens? do you think they would all agree? just some points to keep you thinking...:)

  6. I agree. Every piece of media or books have a message, and when it is so popular it must have some message that is appealing.

  7. im going to have to go with everyone else and say i must agree. when things have a deeper meaning it makes it more important to take the time to look into it, and you did a great job in doing so... great work!! :)

  8. Wow! This is great. I love your analysis of their relationship and Edward's actions - or lack of actions. I think your last line is one of the most powerful: it is the whole point of this class. Media texts have messages and as responsible consumers it is up to breakdown these messages to figure out what they are trying to tell us.

  9. This is great I'm definately not a fan of the series but i like your analysis of it. I so agree with Dante. Your last line speak volumes. Messages are missed subconsciouslybut still embedded in our minds
