When you think about adolescents you think about maturingm growing up . . and lots not forget the changes that come with it.When I began to read the conversations of A tangle of discourses: Girls Negotiating Adolescents (at the bottom) I noticed that Jan says that our generation is rude, that we make our own decisions and do our own thing. I do agree with her but I also disagree.
I agree with Jan and her comment she made about the children of this generation and how we act. I understand that some children decided to make there own decisions, and go with whatever floats there boat. Some kids say one thing and want it that way & some honestly don't care what you say & I understand Jan for that.
I disagree with Jan more than I agree with her. Saying that the children of our generation are rude, and how all teenagers are self-centered is wrong. The right word to use would be "some children/kids." I strongly believe it is the way you are raised is what shows.
Being raised by my parents it was all about respect. When my mom or dad called me or my siblings names it was "Yes Mom?" or "Yes Dad?" - nothing else ! We were taught how to respect one another also. Jan compares kids and then she doesn't , so she sort of confused me as I began to read on. There were some comments I agreed on and there was some that I didn't but overall I understood were she was coming from. I'm not saying if you were brought up in a certain kind of way that you would be self-centered or rude, - because you can be. I just believe that you can say everyone is the same, because no one is !
Throughout my adolescent years, I have grown to appreciate my family more and more. Everybody's raised different ways and I commend my parents for doing such a great job !!! Parents don't need to stop doing things like letting there child go out, watch tv, browse the internet etc - doing that will only make the matter worst. Instead be there for your children, let them know wrong from right before hand - help them understand - because your help it'll be better than expected.
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